Solves operational complexity
Standardises workforce and contracted time
Integrates leave, time-off & sickness
Simplifies rotering and workforce planning
Transforms fire fighting into strategic thinking
Integrates flexible staff and locums
Take control of leave, rotering, capacity planning and costs
Tempo brings together workforce management and e-rostering with simple demand & capacity management.
Built over 4 years, by collaboration between an operational team, a clinical team, a strategic team and a digital development team, Tempo is the first genuine solution to the complexity of modern General Practice.
Its easy-to-use, inexpensive and supported by an experienced team.
Tempo standardises your workforce and their work, showing you how the practice works and what it does. Tempo then takes your practice on a pain-free journey into demand & capacity management that has the potential to increase productivity, staff satisfaction and practice profit as well as improve patient outcomes.
Tempo makes staff management and rotering easy, and connects rotas, teams and leave to demand & capacity planning, in a simple way, that enables practices to re-gain control.
Don’t battle appointment complexity and team capacity in spreadsheets or HR software. Tempo brings everything together in one place, connects your teams together and empowers your managers.
Tempo use cases
Powerful views of a hitherto invisible set of planning and operational data, enables you to see clearly.
Clinical systems offer very little in the way of strategic planning, because they don't capture that data. We realised that within practice operational planning and day-to-day practice operations, there is a huge amount of important useful data being generated and then largely lost! On top of this, there is a complex set of operational rules being held onto by operational managers who have to apply these each week, alongside handling day-to-day 'real World' changes.
For many practices, this has been just about manageable but they face a growing amount of complexity from more complex staff roles, flexible work plans and working at scale. Practice managers need to get to grips with this operational data in order to be in control and plan the financial year but, with such complexity, it's difficult to know where or how to start.
Tempo therefore creates that starting point for a practice manager by creating a useful strategic view within a few weeks and an incredibly powerful set of views within 3 months!
By onboarding your fundamental data sets and standardising the way you work, Tempo quickly creates a view of the organisation over time that enables clear strategic thinking, planning, transparency, equity and reporting.
In Tempo, your operational rules are built-in, by your design and our configuration. This enables Tempo to create powerful time saving rota and leave intelligence, to calculate equity among teams and to semi-automate repetitive processes such as supervision, training, meetings, overtime, TOIL, entitlements and more.
Tempo e-rostering has been designed and tested by practices. It is the only e-rostering solution that can properly handle the complexity of Primary Care.
Our template approach + rules intelligence + semi-automations can speed up your rotering and reduce errors to zero.
- Makes it easy to standardise all-staff rotering, capture all types of work and integrates time-off, TOIL and overtime with rotas
- Makes it easy to plan rotas for demand variations and shows you how your plans compare to real capacity
- Crunches the complexity of rota dependencies, supervision, meetings, work plans, leave and equity among staff
- Supports rota teams with intelligent semi-automation, reducing time-consuming tasks to seconds
Tempo provides a team design and capacity modelling functionality where planning becomes easy. Use leave rules to determine true capacity over time. See the difference between pro-active and re-active capacity. Compare against service lines and see appointment counts.
Dynamic leave, TOIL and sickness management are integrated with your capacity and Tempo calculates all entitlements and remaining leave, in real-time and connects this to your capacity planning and rotering.
The Tempo Annual Planner makes it easy to see your whole workforce capacity from different perspectives, alongside leave and rota designs. This timeline style overview makes it easy to see any potential future challenges in advance and plan changes to meet them.
Demand & capacity management in practices
RAG & capacity
Rotering & more
The Foundry model
for your capacity
Defining a problem
Demand & capacity
Capacity planning
Targets & templates
How Tempo transforms every day operations into demand & capacity management
Tempo contains
Bringing the key parts of operational data together to create a demand & capacity system that all managers and staff can interact with, easily
Rotas & templates
Making complex rotering simple to manage, includes Supervision, meetings, rotation & equity, season planning and targets
Staff record & HR
Combines all staff into one place, into pools: partners, salaried, flexible staff, locums, externally contracted & shared staff.
Key elements of HR data become an active part of demand and capacity.
Teams have many options in Tempo and provide a powerful basis for line management, leave management and capacity management
Service lines, budgets
Create any service lines, with rotas, slots, teams and more. Connect your targets and budget lines
Finance data & intelligence
Tempo handles advanced staff costing, planning and forecasting as well as monthly overtime and flexible staff costs
The thinking of Tempo
All time should be counted within a day
A minute is important
The complexity of capacity is separated, organized & connected to time
See thru the complexity & model in a dynamic way. The parts combine to create the whole.
Leave is part of capacity & cost
Leave helps to plan service delivery and rota design
Demand becomes a set of rota targets
Demand can modelled and used as a basis for targets, as a planned response to demand intelligence over a year.
Combined operational intelligence
Tempo is the first platform for GP practices that brings together a locum network, the whole workforce rota, leave, finance, HR and clinical system data.
Providing a single place to manage these dimensions not only creates a genuinely useful digital-first solution for practices but it provides the basis for easy, powerful, demand & capacity management and the control & stability that Tempo boasts of.
Network capabilities
Tempo creates a Flexi pool of staff resources and a network of employers and brings sharing, delegation and collaboration options to workforce and rotas. This maximises the staff resources of a neighbourhood and helps to realise the potential of Practices, PCNs & Federations, working together.
Cost effective benefits for patients practices and the local system
Tempo isn’t just about managing demand & capacity. It’s about what you can do when you take control over demand & capacity.
Demand and capacity planning improve access to care
Improved continuity of care for ‘most complex’ patients
Improved satisfaction with quality of care
Improved staff wellbeing and retention
Reduced locum spend by rota planning
Savings of £25Kper year (circa one WTE administrator)
Integrated HR and leave management can replace existing HR systems
Financial budgeting and reports, link with payroll and accounting systems
Independent analysis of a 3 year period:
A reduction in 12,480 non-elective bed days
A Reduction in 170 ambulance conveyances
751 fewer A+E visits
Tempo system
Who we are working with
Tempo is being used by practices across the South, from Brighton, to Swindon, in Frimley & London. Hear what they have to say about the difference its making to them.
Charter Medical Centre, Brighton
Charter were the first practice to come onboard, after Foundry, and partnered with us to Beta test Tempo for the first year. Start: Jan 2023
“CQC inspector loved the look and capabilities of Tempo during today’s mock inspection”
Lime Tree Surgery, Findon
Our second practice and considered an important partner. Start: Feb 2023
“We have only been using Tempo for a few weeks and, already, it has started to save us time and stress. It is doing a lot of the complex staff work plans, time-off, entitlements , overtime and TOIL calculations for us. This is already saving us many hours per week. As an organisation, we have not even begun to tap the potential of rotering in Tempo. This will no doubt create more time savings for us and, crucially, support longer term demand & capacity planning”
Blackheath Standard Practice, Dulwich
Another early adopter, who has helped us to refine our product
North Swindon Practice & PCN
We connected with this practice at an ANHS conference in July 2023 and began working with them in Jan 2024
“Everything we do will be based on data. I’m a big advocate of data analytics and use”
“Everything is getting away from us and the old ways of doing things is not going to work”
Nexus Group, Frimley
Nexus were impressed by the business intelligence of Tempo as well as its capability to manage their operations at scale. Start: Feb 2024
Foundry Healthcare, Lewes
Foundry are the original partners in the Tempo development journey and could be considered an incubator.
Foundry’s operational usage of Tempo has evolved, alongside the evolution of the product and is, for now, the most advanced user of Tempo
Savings estimator
Tempo enables savings for almost all aspects of operational management and, because it enables working at scale, the savings increase at scale.
Our on boarding program
Tempo – Right Patient Right Clinician Right Time
- Tempo is a rotering solution for Practices and PCNs that actually works !
- Created by Foundry PCN and GPnetworks, Tempo is a proven technology, endorsed by the AHSN
- Featured in the Fuller Stocktake and the Primary Care Access and Recovery Plan
- Tempo is potentially a lot more than a rotering solution
- Designed by GP’s for GP’s, Tempo is the only rostering platform that works in the complexity of today’s primary care
- Giving practices control of workforce and financial planning
- Insights and planning enables learning from this year to plan next year
- Improving patient outcomes, staff satisfaction and practice profit at the same time
- Enabling Practices PCN’s and Federations to work in collaboration
Time is precious
Save administration time
- Tempo brings together back-office functionality for individual staff, practices, primary care networks, GP federations, including capacity and skill mix planning, workforce and HR management, rostering and room coordination,
Reap the benefits of effective planning
- Business intelligence and financial management combined with integration with clinical system data provides meaningful insights into the impact of operational design on clinical outcomes and quality.
- Foundry reduced avoidable GP appointments to 4.5%, reduced high user patient use of appointments from 40 to 30% of appointments, saved 12,500 hospital bed days, improved staff satisfaction and retention whilst improving partner profit levels to allow reinvestment in our staff increasing staff pay.
Core goals
Operational metrics
Transforming primary care: The Foundry model
“This approach has improved continuity of care, improved access to a range of services through partnership working, and better utilised additional roles, such as pharmacists, nurses, paramedics, physiotherapists, social workers and those working on behalf of the voluntary sector…
Foundry’s top 5% of frequent attenders only use 30% of GP consultations compared with 40% elsewhere, and it has reduced the number of appointments being ‘avoidable’ from 9% to 6.5% in late 2021[compared with average of 27% in other primary care services].”
– Fuller report
The Team
Clinical Director of Foundry PCN
GP Partner for 12 years
NHS Clinical Entrpreneur Programme Alumni
MD of Foundry PCN
Former CCG Accountable Officer & Chief Executive
30 years experience in senior NHS management
MBA from Cass Business School
Chair & NED supporting third sector organisations in healthcare
25 years experience developing digital & leading change
Co-Founder of GPnetworks, leading workforce solutions tool adopted across South East England
Find your home within the network
We build connections to share our ideas and learn from other organisations.
Get in touch with us about Tempo
If you are a GP practice with an existing account on the GPnetworks network or a new practice or PCN, wishing to start a conversation about Tempo, please use this form to reach out to us.
Safety & Security and IG
With Tempo your security is front and centre
Tempo uses no patient information and a minimal of PID for the staff of your organisation.
The bulk of Tempo data is generated by operational design and operational activity.
Tempo is compliant with modern NHS IG and Digital security standards.
On the technical side, we employ all best practice security methods, including patch management, log analysis, data retention and penetration testing and have a planned operational contingency policy.
More details are available on request
We also provide you with a ready-made, completed DPIA , to help with your IG side of things.
The System & safety
Having grown out of primary care we have a deep understanding of the importance of information governance and data security.
NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit standards met.
We have produced a template Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for your assurance and for your Information Governance team to enable the smooth process of on boarding you onto our system.
Funding opportunities
Modernising General Practice
Capacity and Access Improvement Payment
Primary Care Flexible staff pool
£200,000 per ICS